amber index july 2016

Keeping track of your numbers is a great way to see where you are on the journey. It also allows to adjust the plan if needed. Not doing this means that you drive with your eyes closed. Have you ever tried this? what were the results?

For the July numbers, I am a little late. Holiday and a lot of life happens activities came in between. And that is good. There was fun with the kids at the coast, the zoo and playgrounds, time for photography and food (even a crocodile burger)


Let’s get down to business. Here are the stats for July


With the markets going full steam ahead and reaching all time highs (not yet all time highs when it comes to P/E… Is there room for more gains?), the amber index did the same. No complaining here, just cautious happiness…


We are still on track for reaching our year end milestone on our path to 2029 FIRE. The real question is of course: can we there be sooner and at what cost or effort. Would it be possible to be there sooner with a different vision? For now, we keep doing what we have been doing since the story started. Have an automated plan in place and keep and make sure we have fun while doing so.

Saving rate

The impact of my new job now becomes very apparent in the savings rate: it drops. Due to some extra events, it is not so visible, the spreadsheet clearly shows it. On the upside, the stress levels and comment frustrations also dropped! For now, we do not worry about this.


How was your July? And even more important, did you have fun?!?



12 thoughts on “amber index july 2016

  1. Glad to see that changing jobs has reduced your stress levels. Isn’t the best thing?
    Our July was great, our investments returns have covered our expenses so far this year. The market highs have surely helped and I’m equally ‘cautiously happy’. Not counting on this to last too long.
    Otherwise life is good and our little baby girl is expecting to come to this world in just 1 month now. So that got us busy in july and will keep us that way for the foreseeable future!


  2. Hey ATL,

    Nice job getting on track with your Amber Index again. Sometimes things can’t be helped, like with your savings rate – it is what it is.

    We did have a pretty fun July, very expensive though! It is starting to warm up in Australia, so that’s nice.



  3. Hi abt,
    It’s great to see the Amber Index on track and keeping up with projections. Less stress at work is definitely worth it and even saves money with a better quality of life / health.

    I’m glad you had a great July! Mine was busy – was back in the UK for some of the month but things are getting back to normal again now.

    Best wishes,


  4. Hi Amber, looks like you are well on track to your overall goal. I agree with you on the need of tracking your trades and financial progress. I myself became sort of addicted to doing so. But putting the addiction aside it helps a lot knowing what your trades and investing are doing.It also offers views at your investing from different perspectives which can be very helpful. Good luck.


  5. Come 2019 or perhaps earlier, you will marvel at how compound interest treated you. Your savings are fine.
    It can be dangerous to get fixated on a goal without enjoying the now. If you are like us, you won’t regret for a minute the experiences you spend on for family memories.

    July was awesome for us with two weeks in northern New England. This consisted of 11 days at our mountain home and three nights in Acadia.

    And our net worth grew while we were on vacation. Who doesn’t like that!!??

    Tried alligator once. Didn’t like it…..!! No thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Let’s talk about the important stuff here, the crocodile burger. How was it? I’ve had Alligator prepared a bunch of different ways and honestly, it’s dry and a bit tough. Now deep fried Alligator is tolerable. Then again, pretty much anything dipped in batter and deep fried is tolerable. If it’s not, all it takes is a spicy or fatty sauce to offset the bad taste ;-).


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