Fill-The-Bucket List

Taking the time and look back at all the great experiences you already had! It is worth while to do this once and a while. This post from Maggie Banks inspired me and many others to do the same.

When first writing this article, I mainly thought in terms of travel. Gradually, I  came to the conclusion that there are many more sources of experiences that one can have. Below is an anthology of experiences


IMG_0718It is only at the age of 18 that I really started to travel a lot. The first big trip without my parents was a ski holiday with friends. I loved it. Many more followed. Ski is ever since part of the things in life I want to spent money on. Living in Belgium means we have either to go to France, Austria or Swiss for a good week of ski.

This year we went skiing for the first as a family.   The kids loved it.I look forward to our next ski trip

See a part of Europe while helping others

During my studies, I did not have the funds to go on big adventurous travels. Until I discovered volunteer work abroad. This allowed me to travel to the sun and still keep my budget under control. It was a great experience! You set off from Belgium with a group of people you have not met before. You get to meet more people there and contribute to a local good cause. I do hope I can motivate my kids to do the same.

Travel with friends



My first discovery of Asia was in Thailand. we went there over the Christmas holidays as we needed the sun. We were fed up with the cold Belgian winter. One of the most exciting things to do: get a massage from an elephant. I am open to discovering new things. I believe most things should be tried at least once



cerroNegroWith friends, many more travels followed, mainly to Latin America. We went backpacking to Ecuador, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. These were very fine trips that created a lot of top rated memories for us. We did a lot of nice things, like playing an international football game against an Ecuadorian tribe in the rainforest, learn salsa in a local bar, mountain bike great trails. The photo on the left is us hiking towards an active volcano: the cerro negro. The same volcano they use to break the world speed record down hill mountain bike.


It is during one of these travels that I met a person that showed me the way to meditation. I was going through a rough personal period and needed some inner rest. I ended up participating to a 10 day meditation course. This was beyond a challenge for me, but I am still happy I did this. I am even proud of myself. During 10 days, we could not speak, only eat vegetarian and meditate about 12hours per day. It gave me the internal rest I needed.

Travel with my wife

IMG_3705Before we had kids, we did a fair share of Europe and the world: Mexico, Dubai, China and a honeymoon to the west coast of the USA.

During our travel, I try to photograph as much as possible. It is one of the things I like a lot.




Party Time

One of my weak points when younger: techno events. We went multiple times to the Love Parade in Berlin, did more than once a Belgian Parade and partied a few times on Ibiza.



beyoungWith our children, we have not travelled a lot yet. However, they create many more experiences that are priceless. They allow me to be a child again by following them in their playground adventures.

Now that our children have the age that they might actually remember the travel we do with them, I want to go full steam ahead again. Lets first start with Europe and in a few years lets go really international. I have the plan that each girl can pick the destination she wants when she gets 12. It is up to u to show thump front how nice the world is so that they pick a great destination.


It was great weekend going through all the pictures from past experiences and travels. It is by doing this that you feel you are alive. It is too easy to get caught up in the work-kids-household routine and become stuck in here forever. Time to start working on an empty bucket list for the family.


28 thoughts on “Fill-The-Bucket List

  1. That’s a great list! You know I love that you prioritize skiing so much. 🙂 Did you take that beautiful photo of the Colorado River? Gorgeous. And I forgot this part when making our list — I’ve been to the Love Parade as well! 🙂


    1. Ski is for me a great activity: it combines sport with friends and evening fun.
      The Horse Shoe bend picture is one I took. It was on my must-see-and-take-picture list during our honeymoon.
      Great that you have been to the Love Parade as well! I still have a t-shirt of it that I really like and keep as a memory.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing. We have two small kiddos and just now at the point of where we ‘could’ travel with them. I’m really looking forward to carrying them places that I didn’t have a chance to as a kid. But, as you eluded, the greatest time spend is simply playing with them and living in the moment.


  3. Hi, very good post 🙂
    I like the idea of a bucket list. My own list exists only in my head, but there are so many things i want to do. Travelling with friends is also one of my favorites. Last weeks we were in Kuba, and the Trip through Hawaii is already planned for August 🙂 At home on my wall hangs a scratching map of the world. I hope I can someday scratching all countries clear 😉

    best regards


  4. I am totally all about having the kids choose a place to go! That’s my plan! I love it! This is a great list! Thanks for participating. (Massage from an elephant is totally my favorite!)


  5. Did not expect you were such a party boy, cool! Love your photo’s, can imagine that it must have been great fun browsing through them. Always brings back memories!

    Good luck with the new bucket-list.

    Oh, did my third run last night. Nice and cold, was freezing a bit, but no winds, so that was really nice. Managed 4.8 km with a pace of 5:25. Progress is amazing! How about you?


      1. Nice progress on the distance! And yeah, did the flu thing already, will slow you down with regards to running unfortunately. Hope all will be well soon.


  6. Not sure how I missed this list earlier. Great stuff. Skiing with the kids one day would be super cool but need the kids to be a bit older still. 😀


  7. Great list, AT. I seemed to have missed this post too – and found it after Tawcan’s recent share. Some fantastic thigns on teh list — looking forward to see more stories of travelign with kids — im sure it will be a very different experience.



  8. I just read Tawcan’s bucket list post, which led to yours. I’m not sure how I missed yours the first time. Thanks for sharing. I really like these posts and I find them so inspiring. Mine in in the works now.


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